Bilaspur : A state level conference on empowerment of district judiciary and civil and criminal law was organised in Chhattisgarh High Court Bilaspur. The chief guest of this historic conference was Supreme Court judge Justice Suryakant and the special guests of the program were Supreme Court judges Hon’ble Justice P.S. Narasimha and Hon’ble Justice Prashant Kumar Mishra. The participation of three judges of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in this conference underlines the seriousness and importance of the conference and the important role of the district judiciary, the foundation of the judiciary of India, in the delivery of justice.
The state level conference was inaugurated by Supreme Court of India judge Justice Suryakant by lighting the lamp. Chief Guest Hon’ble Supreme Court Judge Justice Suryakant in his address said that the district judiciary is the first to come in contact with the parties, in such a situation the responsibility and role of the district judiciary is important and if the judge is committed to taking a decision, then no procedural and technical obstacle can hinder the judge in taking a logical decision.
The Hon’ble Justice emphasized that instead of adopting a personal approach towards the technical and procedural obstacles in the delivery of justice, an institutional approach should be adopted for effective redressal of such obstacles. The Hon’ble Justice emphasized in relation to discouraging the increasing trend of frivolous and frivolous litigation that there should be no place for false and baseless cases in the judiciary. A strong and courageous district judiciary can be capable of dealing with frivolous and frivolous litigation.