File photo of Mohalla Clinic in Delhi
The CAG report has come out regarding Delhi’s health services. Many flaws and mismanagement have been exposed in this report. The report states that 14 hospitals in Delhi do not have ICU while ambulances are not available in 12 hospitals.
New Delhi: Many shocking revelations have been made in the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report regarding Delhi’s health services. According to sources, the CAG report has exposed serious mismanagement, financial negligence and lack of accountability in Delhi’s public health service system during 6 years.
The CAG report states that 14 hospitals in Delhi do not have ICU while ambulances are not available in 12 hospitals and there is no toilet facility in mohalla clinics.
Big revelation in CAG report
According to the report, out of the Rs 787.91 crore received from the Central Government to deal with Kovid-19, only Rs 582.84 crore was spent, while the rest of the amount remained unused. Due to this, there was a huge shortage of essential facilities during the Corona crisis.
The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report has made many shocking revelations regarding Delhi’s health services. According to the report, out of Rs 787.91 crore received from the central government to deal with Covid-19, only Rs 582.84 crore was spent, while the rest of the amount remained unused. Due to this, there was a huge shortage of essential facilities during the Corona crisis.
Allegations of neglect of funds and corruption
According to the report, out of Rs 52 crore received for the recruitment and salary of health workers, Rs 30.52 crore was not spent. It is clear from this that the government did not recruit enough health workers, due to which people had to face a lot of difficulties in treatment during the epidemic. Similarly, out of Rs 119.85 crore received for medicines, PPE kits and other medical supplies, Rs 83.14 crore was not spent.
Severe shortage of beds in government hospitals
The Delhi government had promised to add 32,000 new beds between 2016-17 and 2020-21, but only 1,357 beds were added, which is only 4.24% of the total target. A huge shortage of beds was seen in many hospitals of the capital, where bed occupancy ranged from 101% to 189%, that is, two patients were kept on the same bed.
Delay in hospital projects and huge increase in cost
The report also said that three new hospitals were built in Delhi, but all the projects were started during the tenure of the previous government. There was a delay of 5 to 6 years in their construction and the cost also increased.
–Indira Gandhi Hospital: 5 years delay, cost increased by Rs 314.9 crore.
- Burari Hospital: 6 years delay, cost increased by Rs 41.26 crore.
- MA Dental Hospital (Phase-2): 3 years delay, cost increased by Rs 26.36 crore.
Huge shortage of doctors and staff
- 8,194 posts are lying vacant in government hospitals and health departments of Delhi.
- There is a shortage of 21% nursing staff and 38% paramedical staff.
- Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital and Janakpuri Super Specialty Hospital were found to have a shortage of 50-74% doctors.
-A huge shortage of nursing staff ranging from 73-96% was recorded.
Long wait for surgery, many equipments were faulty
-In Lok Nayak Hospital, one had to wait for 2-3 months for major surgery and 6-8 months for burn and plastic surgery.
-In Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya (CNBC), one had to wait for 12 months for pediatric surgery.
-Many X-ray, CT scan and ultrasound machines were lying idle in hospitals like CNBC, RGSSH and JSSH.
Lack of essential services and poor condition of mohalla clinics
-Out of 27 hospitals, ICU service was not available in 14.
-16 hospitals did not have blood bank facility.
-8 hospitals did not have oxygen supply.
-12 hospitals did not have ambulance facility.
-12 hospitals did not have ambulance facility.
-CATS ambulances were also being run without essential equipment.
The condition of Mohalla clinics was also found to be poor:
-21 Mohalla clinics did not have toilets.
-15 clinics did not have power backup facility.
-6 clinics did not even have tables for doctors.
-12 clinics did not have any facility for the disabled.
The CAG report exposed the reality of Delhi’s health services. It points to the improper use of funds received from the government during the Covid period, severe lack of essential facilities in hospitals, severe shortage of staff and corruption. Now the AAP will have to answer for this negligence related to public health.