Today is the Pratipada date of Shukla Paksha of Hindu Kartik month. That is why the festival of Govardhan Puja is being celebrated today on Saturday November2,2024 . Govardhan Puja is also known as Annakoot. This auspicious Puja is related to Dwapar Yuga. This festival is dedicated to Lord Krishna and celebrated to remember Lord Krishna . This particular Puja is a festival of relationship between nature and humans. Govardhan Puja is especially performed in Mathura, Vrindavan, Gokul and Kashi ( Banaras)
On this day, the worship of Lord Krishna’s form Govardhan mountain and cow has special importance. According to the Panchang, this time the Pratipada date of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month has started on November 1,2024 at 6:16 pm and the date will end on November 2, 2024 at 08:21, pm. In such a situation, considering the Udaya date (Udaya is a Sanskrit word that means ” Sunrise ” ) as the basis, Govardhan Puja is being performed on Saturday, November 2, 2024 .
The worship of cow, Lord Krishna and Govardhan mountain has special importance on Govardhan Puja. To perform Govardhan Puja, first of all make the shape of Govardhan with cow dung in the courtyard of the house. After this, worship Lord Govardhan by offering roli, rice, kheer, batasha, water, milk, betel leaf, saffron, flowers and lighting a lamp. After this, do seven pradakshinas (“offering circumambulation”) of Govardhan in the form of Shri Krishna along with your family. It is believed that by worshipping Lord Govardhan with a pure heart on this day and feeding jaggery and rice to cows, the blessings of Lord Shri Krishna remains all life .
Bhog ( Offering )
Govardhan Puja is also known as Annakoot festival. On this day, dishes made from many types of grains, fruits and vegetables are offered to Lord Krishna. Many types of vegetables, sweets made from milk and mawa and rice are used to make Annakoot Bhog. In Annakoot, seasonal grains, fruits, vegetables are made as prasad. This Annakoot is made like a mountain and dedicated to Lord Krishna. After this, it is distributed to everyone as prasad.
Govardhan Puja Story
Lord Krishna, cow, Govardhan mountain and Indradev are worshipped in Govardhan Puja because after his pride was shattered, Indra apologized to Shri Krishna and as a blessing, Indra’s worship was also recognised in Govardhan Puja. According to religious beliefs, in Dwapar Yuga, when Indra got angry and rained heavily, Shri Krishna lifted Govardhan mountain on his little finger to protect the people of Gokul and the cows and to break Indra’s pride. In this way, not even a drop of water fell on the people of Braj, all the gopas and gopikas remained safe in its shade. Then, knowing about the incarnation of Shri Krishna, Indradev was very ashamed of his act and apologised to Lord Krishna.
Auspicious time
This year the auspicious time of Govardhan Puja is from 03:22 pm to 05:34 pm on 02 October. It is very auspicious to worship Govardhan in this auspicious time.
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Govardhan Puja Morning Muhurta: 06:34 to 08:46
Govardhan Puja Evening Muhurta: 15:22 to 17:34
Importance of Govardhan Puja
According to religious beliefs, worshipping Govardhan on the Pratipada date of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month every year removes financial problems and apart from this, wealth, grains, children and good fortune are attained. On this day, if any devotee worships Lord Giriraj, then happiness and prosperity remains in his house and the blessings of Giriraj Maharaj, who is the form of Lord Shri Krishna, remain on the entire family.