New Delhi : Biju Janata Dal (BJD) MP Sujeet Kumar on Friday September 6 resigned from Rajya Sabha membership and joined BJP. Sujeet Kumar joined the party at BJP National Headquarters in the presence of Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, BJP National General Secretary Arun Singh, Odisha BJP in-charge Vijaypal Singh Tomar, Bhartruhari Mahtab and Anil Baluni. Sujeet Kumar, Member of Parliament .
After joining BJP, he accused Odisha’s previous Naveen Patnaik government of large-scale corruption. Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan welcomed Sujeet Kumar to BJP and said that despite being in a rival political party, he has always have a great faith on Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the work done by him for Odisha.
Today he has left Biju Janata Dal and joined BJP, expressing faith in the leadership and policies of Prime Minister Modi. Dharmendra Pradhan said that he welcomes Sujeet Kumar on behalf of Odisha and BJP and he is confident that Sueet Kumar will play an important role in achieving Prime Minister Modi’s goal of ‘Developed India’.
At the same time, after joining BJP, Sujeet Kumar said that he wants to thank Biju Janata Dal President and former Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik for sending him to the Rajya Sabha and today he has joined the world’s largest party BJP. This is a very happy day for him. Impressed by Prime Minister Modi’s vision and goal of ‘Developed India’ by 2047 and ‘Developed Odisha’ by 2036, he has joined BJP today.
Expressing gratitude to the top leaders of BJP for including him in the party, he said that for him the development of Odisha and the country’s interest are paramount and that is why he came to India from abroad. Accusing corruption in the state during the Naveen Patnaik government, he said that at that time he tried to tell the BJD leadership about corruption many times. But, BJD leadership did not listen to him. He also spoke about working to strengthen the BJP in Odisha and the entire country.
Even before the Lok Sabha and Odisha assembly elections, Biju Janata Dal leaders have been joining the BJP. After winning both the assembly and Lok Sabha elections with a huge majority in Odisha, the BJP is now engaged in increasing its strength in the Rajya Sabha. According to sources, the BJP can send Sujeet Kumar to the Rajya Sabha from Odisha in the coming days. Before joining the BJP, BJD MP Sujeet Kumar met Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and handed over his resignation from the Rajya Sabha membership to him. The Rajya Sabha Chairman accepted Sujeet Kumar’s resignation with immediate effect.