Rewa: Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the sixth Rewa airport of Madhya Pradesh on Sunday October 20, 2024 In a program organized at the airport premises, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said that for a month, air travel from Rewa to Bhopal will be done for Rs 999. A new four-lane will also be built between Bhopal-Rewa. PM Modi, who joined virtually from Varanasi, said that in 2014 there were only 70 airports in our country, now there are more than 150 airports. We are also enriching the old airports.
The Chief Minister said that Rewa Airport will prove to be the axis of the development of the division. Today is a historic day for Rewa. It will not only provide air service, but will also create employment opportunities here. We will provide air travel to people for just Rs 999. Now even the poor man will travel by air. In the coming time, commercial cargo aircraft will also operate in Rewa.
The CM said that he has communicated with the industrialists today itself. To provide employment to the youth, the gift of Industrial Conclave will be given in Rewa on October 23. The number of rice mills in Rewa is very high. If there is any difficulty, I will remove it. During this, Deputy Chief Minister Rajendra Shukla, Jagdish Devda, Minister in charge of the district Prahlad Patel, MP Janardan Mishra were present on the stage.
Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said in the program that my in-laws are in Rewa. I got married in 1993, then there was a lot of problem in coming and going here. There was not even a proper road. At that time, there was no train here either. It would have been dishonest to even think about the airport.
Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has said that there are immense possibilities of industrial development in Vindhya. To give impetus to these, Regional Industry Conclave is being organised in Rewa on 23rd October. All the obstacles in the development of industries will be removed. Investment promotion centers have been opened in every district. Convey your views to the government through this also. The Commissioner and Collector are responsible for removing the local difficulties of the industrialists.
The Chief Minister said that the industrialists of Vindhya will get the facility of containers for the export of products. Now, along with rail, transportation will also be done by cargo aircraft. Industrialists do not run industries only for themselves. The industry run by them also leads to the development of the state and the country. The Chief Minister was discussing with the local industrialists regarding the Regional Industry Conclave to be held on 23rd October in Rewa.
The Chief Minister said that Regional Industry Conclave is being organized in the divisional headquarters every month to give impetus to the industrial development of the state. Discussed with the industrialists of Rewa and Mauganj present in the meeting and had a virtual dialogue with the industrialists of Singrauli, Sidhi, Maihar and Satna. The Chief Minister said that there will be no double taxation on the industries in the industrial area. More than three thousand industrialists registered in the conclave along with 50 big industrialists.