Bhavnagar : The slogan ‘Bantonge toh Katonge’ given by UP CM Yogi Adityanath during the Haryana assembly elections has now reached the wedding cards after passing through Maharashtra and Jharkhand assembly elections. In Bhavnagar, Gujarat, a BJP worker has printed CM Yogi’s slogan ‘Bantonge toh Katonge’ on his brother’s wedding card. The wedding card is now going viral on social media.
The BJP worker says that he did this to make people aware. The wedding card also emphasizes on the cleanliness campaign and adoption of Swadeshi.
Actually, a wedding is to take place on Saturday November 23 at the house of a BJP worker in Wangar village of Mahuva tehsil of Bhavnagar district of Gujarat. This wedding is in a lot of discussions. Actually, the brother of the groom has printed the slogan given by CM Yogi in the elections on the wedding card, which talks about uniting Hindus. CM Yogi is constantly raising the slogan in election rallies – ‘If you get divided, you will be cut, if you stay united, you will be good.’ This slogan of CM Yogi on the wedding card is being discussed everywhere.
Design of Ram Mandir and Modi-Yogi on the wedding card
When the BJP worker was asked about this, he said that the picture of PM Modi, Yogi Adityanath and Ram Mandir has been designed on the wedding card with the aim of making people aware and spreading the message of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In this wedding card, emphasis has also been given on the cleanliness campaign and adopting Swadeshi.
Whenever we got divided, we have been brutally cut off: CM Yogi
Let us inform you you that recently while addressing a rally in Jharkhand, CM Yogi had said, “Make people realise your strength, do not get divided into castes, some people will divide you in the name of caste, this is what Congress and the opposition do. These people are calling Bangladeshi infiltrators, Rohingyas. One day these people will not even let you ring bells and blow conches inside your house. So stay united and be noble. I say that the history of the country is a witness that whenever we got divided, we have been brutally cut off.